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Friday, 8 June 2012

When Loss is Gain.

Without much gain for so long, rather life filled with monotonous events often causing despair and resentments, I wish some good fortunes in the days to come, so that I can proudly claim that when loss is gain, it is not loss.

Written by his Excellency the Indian Ambassador to Bhutan, Pavan Kumar Varma, “When Loss is Gain” is his first work of fiction, apart from the many famous book he has written. The story is set in contemporary India and Bhutan, thus linking the bond of Indo-Bhutan Friendship.
Author with the Book.

For Anand, who works as a lawyer for his best friend Advaita’s law firm in Delhi, the loss that he incurred in the beginning turns out to be a huge gain at the end. His work environment takes such a twist that his friend Advaita with whom he worked and backed like an equal shareholder tries to ignore his hard work and dedication, which causes Anand descent into drinks. This leads to alienation from his wife Tanu with whom he could not raise a child. His state of mind is further disturbed and bereaved when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and that he can live only few more months. As he lost his health, fate gave him such a quirk that his wife too leaves him for Advaita, thus not only losing his wife but also his highly respected job, and very soon his battle to live.

Anand is now passing through a complicated phase of his life with a death sentence ahead him. Without anyone at his beck and call, the pain of loneliness was more excruciating that his disease. Luckily, his doctor sent a copy of his biopsy for further examination and it was found that the test for cancer was negative, and his doctor declared that Anand is not going to die and can lead normal life and this was his resurrection from the intermediate state he passed through.
Where divinity leads our way.

With the new life, Anand didn’t want to get into the old business so he rejects all the offers before proceeding to Wangsisina in Bhutan for a recreational trip where he meets Chimi, who later became his close friend. While in Bhutan, Anand was mesmerized by the serene of flowing river, the laughing cliffs, the peaceful environment and most importantly the jovial dwellers. It was during his stay in Wangsisina that he met Tara, an Indian woman who preferred to discover solace by becoming a nun after she experienced almost a same fate (with regard to relationship) as Anand.

It is intriguing to discover how the novel ends after dilemmatic incidences that both Anand and Tara undergoes in a bitter-sweet romance, before the two could finally leave Bhutan and settle in India to raise a family, thus completing the circle with a ultimate gain.

The book is richly nourished with spiritualism and culture and carries a deep message of life and death, loss and gain, happiness and fulfilment, sorrow and joy, and also animates many Hindu philosophy together with a note from the preaching of Drukpa Kuenley, the divine madman. 



  1. Thank you Harry. Same to you. :D

  2. Nice Review!
    I hope, this multi culture merge together and be one.

  3. It is more of a summary and less of review :P. Thanks for dropping by.
