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Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Like the Transient Clouds

Call it a journey or an adventure, 
But, often confronted with bitterness is our life.
So transient, as the flash of spring lightning,
Euphoric moments are too ephemeral,
Though people often says
Happiness and sadness are but a state of mind.

Mind like the untamed pet as it wanders; 
It ascends the crest and falls to trough.
Often through chaos and confusions
Inner strength is ragged with devastating blows,
When so ignorant and apathetic the environ seems,
Shattering the hopes of survival as the fittest.

Worldly phenomenon is a real roller-coaster,
Each changing with fleeting moments.
Words of past though it reverberates now,
It just remains like the echo from distant rocks
Without a genuine tone and liveliness. 
As mood swings, traversing a life is exhausting. 

Home, the embodiment of bliss is away
And to reach there, I lack a pony to ride.
The gracious parents are beyond hills
And here, I lack an affectionate host.
My mind, it longs for the temperate breeze,
Yet, into scorching sun of tropical plains, I drench.


  1. Keep going brother......

    Its a well thought poem. I am still in love with your last stanza :

    "Home, the embodiment of bliss is away
    And to reach there, I lack a pony to ride.
    The gracious parents are beyond hills
    And here, I lack an affectionate host.
    My mind, it longs for the temperate breeze,
    Yet, into scorching sun of tropical plains, I drench."


  2. The gracious parents are beyond hills
    and here, i lack an affectionate host...
    dude....what to say about it..:)

  3. Worldly phenomenon is a real roller-coaster,
    Each changing with fleeting moments.

    I loved the above two lines. Change is the only constant thing in this world. When impermanence joins us, the meaning of permanent is lost. Just as this, my permanent plan to live a happy life is absurd.

    Keep Posting :D

  4. Kadren-che for visiting, reading and roping your comments @ PSN, Sonam, and Yeesi. :)

  5. nicely 1 leo......keeping going.....
