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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Season of Varied Sentiments.

Source: google images

Far gone is the season of hopefulness,
With the blazing sun replacing spring warmth.
With seeds sprouting into luxuriant greenness.
And rivers turning brown with increased depth.

The rains fill the air misty and paths muddy,
The water floods drains and erode roads off.
Helpless and vulnerable, the travelers lie handy
Only with prayers and hopes, to reach their home safe.

Yet on the hills cast the multihued rainbow,
As through the window, I gaze and gazed
With blossom waving and dancing with its shadow,
Ah! What a pleasure of summer I have sensed.

The clouds drift from vales to beat the sun,
The breeze swirls in air and rustle the leaves,
Thus relishing the sweats and moans of man
Who toiled day and night, for the life they lives.

Like the infinite radiance of summer days so long
It’s season of endless fun, watching the ants march.
And mosquito enticing our ears with sweet song
Only to get killed the tiny creature, as palms clash.

Descends the cool night with shining moon,
Its’ silver beams reflecting from infinite star,
So peaceful and blissful, with hectic day gone.
Yet too short as the night itself, permanence seems far.

Caressed ardently, our face with chilly morning airs,
With kids swimming and merrymaking summer camp,
In times with unrequited love and wetted tears,
It is a season of Varied Sentiments, under heavens Lamp. 


  1. A nice read bro. You write beautifully. Keep it up and keep posting bro. :)

  2. As season changes, so does our habits and customary and as such, such changes brings a sort of feeling in us which i tried to materialize in my own limited thoughts and words. Thanks for visiting and commenting on it, Langa Bro. Keep visiting.
